Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Podiatrist Malpractice Victims – What you should do?

A victim of accident or mishap has physical wounds that impact his life and mental health as well, while, a podiatrist malpractice will also give him wounds that are both external and internal. A victim of this mishap is left with no choice but get his pain compensated through any mean. One more reason is also to prevent other patients from suffering any similar situation and to make the podiatrist realize what their mistake could lead to.

A podiatrist malpractice victim must know on what basis they can make a compensation claim against the podiatrist.  If a patient is not handled properly, and his expectations of foot surgery does not meet, or he’s not satisfied with the end results, he might feel the podiatrist made some mistake and did not handled the case in a good way. But such unsatisfactory reasons could not be claimed under malpractice lawsuit.
One must gather solid evidence and  find out that he’s truly a victim. In this case, post-surgery condition must be evaluated carefully. An expert podiatrist can evaluate either your diagnosis was right or wrong, the fault lies with in the treatment, surgery or medication. What was the expectation level and how did it turned out to be a failure? 

Once you have found the answers then contact a law firm who will study your case and make strong arguments. Along that, before filing a lawsuit, the victim must also find a witness who is credible and has some knowledge in this regard. This would help in making their case against a negligible podiatrist stronger. The drawback of not finding a credible witness might lead your case to be dismissed. As this would give an image of the patient to blackmail or grab some money from their podiatrist’s pocket. So, be considerate and come up with strong proof and logics to make your arguments more effective.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Podiatrist Malpractice – Don't end up losing your license

Podiatrist malpractice not only leaves the patient in disdain, but it could also affect your whole career. The cases which were reported under malpractice lawsuit has seen compensations, bans, and even some doctors losing their license, which is the worst case. Being mindful on your job and treating patients with your expertise leads to career success, but in a situation where you show negligence, this can lead something which no one ever wished, that is ending your career as a practitioner.

Patient’s loss of foot or life in podiatrist malpractice also has a great impact on a podiatrist’s career as well. The pain and suffering what a patient goes through never spare the doctor as well. This is why having good experience, being knowledgeable of diagnosing the disease and treating a patient rightly is necessary.
Sometimes, the lack of communication between patients and doctors lead to worsening the case, but in medical sciences, it is necessary that a doctor treats patient both physically and mentally. Being on the same page and understanding a patient’s condition is necessary when you are treating them.

A second opinion always has importance in diagnosing foot diseases and foot care. Rather than losing your license or paying compensation after causing harm to a patient, it’s good to open up before the patient. Be honest to the patient and to yourself as well. A doctor can’t treat every disease, so if someone can’t understand the problem and diagnose the disease rightly, either they should get a second opinion from some other podiatrist or tell this directly to the patient. Referring to some other specialist would help both of you.

Prolonging the treatment to earn some bucks can lead to a critical and unlikely situation, which cause great harm to both the patient and the doctor. After years long hard work and practice, one must not put their career and someone’s life at stake.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Surgical Slip-ups that lead to podiatrist malpractice:

Let us understand following major cause of podiatrist malpractice.

Laxity leading to wrong site surgery:
In this kind of surgery surgeon wrongfully removes or severe any of the healthy organ or limbs of the patient due to his negligence. Patient’s health is compromised big time in this kind of case. Provided that you have details you can file a podiatrist malpractice case with all rights.
Unneeded surgery:
Inept and avaricious surgeons provoke and convince people to go for surgery in a case where it can be avoided. In these cases sometimes surgeons misdiagnose and sometimes their inhumanity and cruelty push them to the extent to misguide and portray the kind of situation in which you find more comfy in spending money on the procedure and going through all the pain instead of putting your life at risk.
Internal organs’ mutilation:
There are cases of negligence on the part of surgeons who due to their lack of focus and responsibility pierces, punctures following one or some of the following body parts of patient during surgery:
        Connective tissue
        Internal body part

Surgical apparatuses under the stitches:
According to a study published by Center of Disease Control every year almost 15,000 cases come into notice in which patients have utensils inside their body post-surgery. A patient who is victim of such a case has one or more of the following inside them.
        Surgical blades
Lack of sanitary measures leading to infections:
Surgeons need to stay very careful about their sanitation as their ruthless behavior in this matter can cause bacterial infections whose organs they are going to touch. Operation theaters have all kinds of bacteria and contaminations no matter how many measures are taken to disinfect it. The environment of an operation theater is in itself posing threat for the health of a patient who is going to be cut open. Keeping all this in mind surgeons should at least do their best to avoid being cause of any infection or complication. They should make sure they are sanitized for touching the surgical apparatuses. Unfortunately surgeons do not pay heed to such details and put the life of their patient at stake by infecting them. In this scenario  the patient has the right to file a case of podiatrist malpractice with the help of a skilled and experienced podiatrist witness.